April Love’s “Pink Awards” Honor Richard Dunn

pinkawardsflyerApril Love‘s annual “Pink Awards” is known to celebrate “life, love and survival”… and this year, for her 5th annual award event, she will honor a member of the Tomorrow’s team, Richard Dunn, with the “Pink Entrepreneur” award.

The event was hosted by 102.5’s Darlene McCoy, with music by the legendary Salah Ananse and a performance by Anthony David.

Other award recipients include Chanita Foster as the “Pink Samaritan”… Nicci Gilbert as the “Pink Game Changer”… and Charlene Dance as the “Pink Visionary”.




For more than a decade, poised public relations professional and savvy event producer, April Love has successfully executed PR campaigns for A-list entertainers, classic corporate brands, top fashion and beauty professionals to address a wide-range of publicity and branding needs. As a motivational speaker, panel moderator and workshop facilitator, April travels the country addressing students and entrepreneurs on the latest trends in public relations, brand strategy and lifestyle marketing.



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