Seagram’s Gin “Ginsider”

Influencers know what they like, and like to discover! This was the initial obstacle with identifying regional influencers in Georgia for the Seagram’s Gin Ginsider campaign.

Jumping on the year two activation, for this program… the Tomorrows, working under KTC, was asked to revitalize the Ginsiders moniker and use influencers to launch a unique digital campaign. After identifying gin drinkers in two entertainment niches, DJs and vixens… we sent them free product and allowed the new Ginsiders to engage with the product in their own unique ways via social media, specifically Instagram and Twitter.

The results were stunning… over 12 weeks of unique and entertaining Instagram and Twitter posts that reflected the lifestyles of the Ginsiders. The program generated nearly 10 million impressions and converted many gin drinkers to fans of the Seagram’s Gin brand.

Check out some sample posts from our Ginsiders…


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