Guinness “Live It Up”

ges_liu_400x400This summer, we are working with GTM and the Guinness brand to establish and maintain a brand buzz within the Caribbean and African sub-cultures throughout the United States.  The core cultural message will be focused on art and music, and organically place Guinness in the culture.

In the fall of 2014, we built a custom website for the Guinness “Live It Up” campaign on Tumblr.  The Tumblr content management system provided a unique platform for sharing the diverse content that would be generated by the campaign.  This site acted as the digital hub for a series of Guinness “Live It Up” events… that travelled from Washington DC and New York City to Miami and Houston… culminating in Atlanta.

Members of our collective will be activated as GTM INTERACTivists to help promote and push the Guinness “Live It Up” event experience in Atlanta.  RSVP NOW and stay tuned for pictures from the event.


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